Why SMEs Struggle in the Import/Export Market

One in three of SMEs deals with imports and exports. Many of them face struggles payment providers could help resolve.
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How to Avoid Late Payments Caused by Supply Chain Disruptions

Late payments can wreak havoc on SMBs already vulnerable from supply chain disruptions. Taking precautions ahead of time can save them.
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3 Good Reasons for Small and Medium Businesses to Diversify Their Banking Infrastructure

The international banking and payments environment can be unpredictable at times, and without expert guidance small companies can come up against costly delays. That’s why it is recommended setting up a diversified banking and payments infrastructure early. It can save delays and money in the long term.
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A Growing Payments Market Calls for Increased Cooperation

Cooperation between traditional banks and non-bank payment services providers is at an all-time high. This integration has proven to be a win-win-win, with clients, regulators and market players all coming out ahead. As demand grows, even more integration in the payments ecosystem is needed to ensure stability and prosperity.

Eyal Nachum of Bruc Bond to Banks: Embrace Openness

Eyal Nachum, fintech guru and board member at Bruc Bond, has a message to Europe’s banks: embrace openness and connectedness. It’s the only way to thrive in the future.
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Bruc Bond's Eyal Nachum to Clients: Demand More From Us

At Bruc Bond, consistent communication is not a means, it's its own goal. So we want our clients to demand more of it, says Eyal Nachum.
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